7種文章開頭,寫好LPAT Writing的introduction

LPAT writing 閱卷員日理萬機,還要用電子形式評改數以百計,題目一式一樣的文章。怎樣突圍而出?關鍵是寫好首段(first paragraph/introduction)。以下介紹7種LPAT作文開頭方式。


潮流興說好故事。要談「港孩」問題 ,你也許可以這樣開頭:Some 20 years ago, I was proudly (or unproudly) branded ‘Kong kid ‘ by those closest to me – a nanny-sheltered spoiled child waiting to be spoonfed and dressed from head to toe. Today, I wouldn’t go that far to say I am very successful, but a professorship from a top medical school paired with a Nobel nomination is usually what I am associated with.


在談論香港環保和經濟發展的爭議,你可以考慮舉例說明。As one of the leaders in international financial trade and a proud owner of conserved land of the size of 7o% of the territory, Hong Kong achieves a fine balance between economic demands and environmental needs.


作文,不一定只寫句子。你可以善用各式提問,包括設問,吸引考官注意。談性別平等 ,你可以這樣開頭:Can more be done to strive for gender equality? Absolutely. However, do not overlook the fact that we, as a city….


要談環保問題 ,你可以這樣開頭:’Hope only comes with actions’, the world-celebrated environmentalist Greta Thunberg’s powerful words say it all.


要談環保問題 ,你也可以這樣開頭:After retirement, Bill Gates, CEO of Microsoft who once frequently topped the Forbes list, devoted himself to financing and developing waterless toilets which turn solid waste into ashes.


各位同工可考慮記一些重要數據,以備不時之需。要談高等教育 ,你也可以這樣開頭:In 2020, over 80% of Hong Kong people received some form of post-secondary or tertiary education.


稍為誇張一點的開頭,可讓考官留下深刻印象。談改善學校行政,減省會議,你可以這樣開頭:There’s always somebody in your school who thinks they are very important and happens to own a loudspeaker and lectures and preaches and yells into it in their favourite ‘weekly get-togethers’, while honest hard-working teachers and others cannot help but snore through the entire session.



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