
  1. 呢單嘢唔係我跟開 I can certainly refer you to the right person.
  2. 你諗吓你適唔適合哩份工 I can see this job’s stretching you thin.
  3. 我都係照你意思去做你 I’d like to think this is your idea.
  4. 你咁樣我好難做架喎 This is leaving me in a rather difficult situation
  5. 上一手同事都係咁講 I’m afraid I wasn’t the one who invented this.
  6. 我真係唔覺得我錯囉 You’d have to go very far to put the blame on me.

*Intonation 工作坊 16/12, 23/12,立即留位


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